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Protect your data environment from attacks

The Hornetsecurity "gatekeeper system" protects your data environment optimally

You point your email traffic to Hornetsecurity's secure environment

What does Hornetsecurity do

Hornetsecurity och Strimmasecurity
epost säkerhet   epostsäkerhet

We have worked with IT security due to email problems for over 20 years.


We have previously collaborated with MessageLabs, which later unfortunately disappeared.

When we see the problems Hackers cause on a daily basis, we have together with Hornetsecurity for four years now come to the conclusion of launching this big in the Nordics, with a focus on Sweden.

We are the Nordic partner of Hornetsecurity

What does Strimma do

Recognize that you may not have the right protection against the Hackers

Few admit they have been hacked, no one gains anything from it. Creating experience from such situations together makes us more confident in protecting ourselves in the future

Hornet security

Consciousness of vulnerability

You do not need to invest in new hardware and software for your business.

You just redirect your email traffic to Hornetsecurity's secure environment.

You are one step ahead of the Hacker!

Hornetsecurity Strimmasecurity emailsecurity

Work preventively

The advantages of the computer industry are usually that you want to be one step ahead. The problem is, do you have all the technical means for that? What does it cost to invest in suitable technology?

Hornetsecurity emailsecurity

Use the experience of others

As with anything else, let those who really know their job help. You can't be the best at everything.

Hornetsecurity emailsecurity

Why become a partner of Strimma

Place the responsibility for email traffic outside of your company

We help arrange that your mail traffic is pointed via Hornetsecurity's data park

Hornetsecurity epostsäkerhety

The IT staff can deal with other tasks than chasing spam, ransomware, trojans

The IT department can be tasked with tasks that are rewarding such as development and forward-thinking.

epostsäkerhet hornetsecurity
Hornetsecurity Strimma

Control panel

For this cyber application, you get a tool called Controlpanel.

Via it, you get total control over what Hornetsecurity has stopped and if you want, you can also let mail in or completely block.

eostsäkerhet ransomware spam virus
epostsäkerhet strimma
Ransomware emailsecurity

Below you see examples of how Hornetsecurity stops malicious (in burgundy) and lets in good mail (light green)

Start by securing your data environment with us

IT security

AB Strimma     

All of Sweden                  010-777 1400

559260-5678                   Roslagens Sparbak

Bankgiro: 5510-9656     Swish: 123 325 54 29


© 2024 by Strimma Security. Est. 1993

Created on Wix Studio by Strimma Dataologerna.

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